
Mad Men

Mad Men is a television series that takes place in the 1960's, and is about an advertising agency on Madision Avenue in New York. Actually, “Mad men” is a historical term short for men of Madison Avenue, composed by the advertising industry itself...to self-promote, not bring down. It's not a show about mad, or "insane" men, just advertisers...in the 60's. 

Anyway, you don't have to like it. Taylor kinda hates it for valid reasons, but what I love most about it is the FaShIoN!

So here I am, drooling over the celebration of curves, snappy suits, gloves, hats, handbags, and floral when
That's right. Banana Republic launches a Mad Men inspired line!!!!
Not the cheapest, but something to look out for....
I posted my favorites on my "Fashion" page. Feel free to check it out!


  1. People always talk about this show as inspiration for How to $ucceed.
    Seems pretty cool :)

    1. It is cool! They smoke like crazy, but it's sweet. And the skinny ties are so good looking, I think. haha

  2. <3 me some skinny ties.
    And we do some smoking in H2$. lol
